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After the grand success of the Connect Live events in #London#Paris#Mumbai, and #Frankfurt, Cornerstone’s next stop is #Sydney on the 23rd of March.

Connect Live is bringing Cornerstone customers exciting keynotes from International Executive, Product roadmaps, insightful peer inspirations, incredible success stories, and more. ​

📢 Breakout sessions💥 with industry thought leaders, product experts, customers, and peers.

🔮 Discover what’s around the corner for talent leaders
💁 Interact with Cornerstone experts on topics that matter most to you
👭 Meet informally with like-minded customers and learn from their success
💥 Celebrate the Rave awards of our Customers

We look forward to seeing our valued Cornerstone customers at Connect Live!

Need help with your HR tech project or looking to get more from your current solution? Contact our HR tech experts today.

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